Grounding & Healing Tools for the Electrosensitive

Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych
  • Made of Stardust, Original Canvas Triptych

As a physician, every single cell in our body literally seems like a miracle to me.  How it functions, replicates, repairs, lives, dies.  The fact that our skin is self healing, our bones fuse back together, we breathe and our heart beats while we use our body to do other things all day long without even thinking about it.  How we create life, how little humans grow within us and are born.  The fact that all of it, almost every bit of it, comes from cosmic dust and stars -- it's all just so damn magical.  

We are wearing solid, tangible bodies -- earth suits I like to call them -- and we run a life spark through that body that brings the elements of stardust to life.  Researchers estimate that we are approximately 97% stardust, formed over 13 billion years ago.

Could you be any more magnificent?  

Can you think of anything more beautiful?  

Remembering that you are the universe, manifesting in physical form, in a beautiful living earth suit of stars, and that you are thinking a thought this very moment, your heart is beating this very moment, aren't you so impressed with your body?  You are having a conscious experience full of meaning and feeling and using it to interact with other star dust humans.  

It's so beautiful I had to paint it.  

Here I picked the three most fascinating organs to me:

  • the origin of all of our thoughts, our brain, the electrical control center that hosts the storage of all of our memories and experiences in this lifetime...
  • the center of our largest electrical field, our heart, which overlaps others (as you can see in this painting I painted here) to connect us all to each other...
  • and the uterus, where you were incubated and first formed, creating your earth suit that your soul wears that allows you to have this unique lived experience.

So I painted the human mind, the human heart, and the human uterus in pure golden light -- a mix of the earth elements and cosmic dust -- with foliage and the stars filled in the background.  It's a reminder that every cell in your body, every organ, every part is a gift from the universe and to use every minute you wear it with appreciation. Treat that body well, it's an honor to wear it.

I can see this trio lining a hallway, in holistic practitioners room, in the waiting room of a healing center, even above a baby's crib or your very own bed, so that you never ever go to bed or wake up without remembering you are a miracle of stars, a living experience of soul mixed with earth mixed with stardust... all combining to make up the human you are right now.  A once in a lifetime, actually a once in forever combination of these exact particles that you call home.  


  • Acrylic paint on three 12" x 16" canvases
  • No need to frame (gallery wrapped canvases with painted edges)
  • Signed by the artist Dr. Laura Koniver MD
  • No prints will every be made of these original canvases -- just this one set

To your magical earth suit and even more so, to the beautiful soul that is wearing it right now.  

xoxoxo, Laura Koniver MD

All 3 canvases come as a set (a triptych) for this one price:

is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now and I will ship it to you immediately after it becomes available again.