Grounding & Healing Tools for the Electrosensitive

Expanding Your Intuition Class: April 29 - May 24, 2024
  • Expanding Your Intuition Class: April 29 - May 24, 2024
  • Expanding Your Intuition Class: April 29 - May 24, 2024

Almost all of us are intuitively open and don't even know it, so we feel drained by our ability to pick up on intuitive information, instead of empowered by it.  

Or maybe you already know you are an empath, and it's affecting your ability to navigate your world.  You might find yourself exhausted after interactions with others or time spent in crowded places.  

Or maybe you don't feel you have any intuitive capabilities at all, but you've always wanted to.  You do, we all do, it's in our biology... and I'll help you find it.

I created this class to help you uncover and strengthen your intuitive, empathetic nature.  Because the more you know about how to work with your intuition, the more powerful you feel and the stronger you are from tapping into it... not weakened or exhausted by it.

This class is a 4 week long, online class.  In it, I personally share with you exactly how I dropped out of the constricting conventional world around me and opened up to a whole new level of divine inspiration -- intuitive guidance!

  • Have you ever wanted to receive, honor, and actively make decisions based upon your own intuitions?

  • Have you ever wanted to use intuition in your own health care?

  • Have you ever wanted to use intuition to make your daily life go more smoothly?

  • Have you ever wanted to feel more empowered by your intuitive, empathic gifts... instead of drained by them? 

I want that for you too!!!  So, I lead a private class to help you do just that.

This class is a *must* for all empaths who find their energy affected or drained by others.  I'll teach you how to become more resilient and strong by tapping into your intuitive gifts, instead of buffering yourself from others or playing small.

Together we are going to:

  • spend a full week preparing your body to use as an intuitive receptor

  • the next week opening your body up to receiving intuitive information...

  • another week figuring out what your unique intuitive strengths are (YES -- you DO have them!!!)

  • a final week together putting intuitive guidance into daily use

  • and finish with a custom filmed Q&A video, where I will personally answer all of your questions from the entire course, personalized for this specific class

Each week the topic will build on the last week's foundation and include both personal sharings from my own journey as well as examples of the intuitive work I've done helping patients open and expand their own information gathering.  

Each day begins with an email that introduces a topic of the day through uplifting articles, fun exercises to jump-start and expand your skills, self assessment quizzes and more.  Do as much or as little as you feel drawn to with the ideas presented each day.  And save your emails to refer back to and work with forever.

You can ask me any question you like all class long and I will answer every single one for you!  The class Q&A is recorded so you can watch it again and again in the future.  

I just can't wait to begin!

I'll be keeping the course to a maximum of 50 participants so that everyone can get their questions answered... so if you want to work with me to expand your intuition, sign up now and I will reserve your spot for you today!  

xoxox, Laura

Expanding Intuition Class feedback:

"As powerful as the information you share is, I can't help but feel it is your energy and the way you include sincere expressions of yourself that provides a deeper level of healing.  It's as though you offer a clear, clean, unencumbered invitation, a calling forth to wellness, an invitation to my Truest Self to get onboard.  I believe love is its own vibratory frequency and you ride that frequency.  Love knows Love.  From you I feel an unpressured invitation from Love to Love."
- J.W.

"Thank you for this. And thank you for all you do. You are truly very gifted and you present your work in some of the most loving, positive energy I have ever experienced! And you have SO MUCH OF IT!  I am truly overwhelmed."

- K.H. 

"Wow! I just finished listening to the Q&A call and I am so impressed with you and your heart and soul. First, this course is such a blessing and it's mirroring where I am at and lovingly assisting me in exploring my own curiosities, strengths and blockages. 

Next, the meditation that you guided us through...Wow!  I was in tears.  Thank you dear Laura!  Your strength and willingness to do this work has changed my life.  All is well and I feel expanded. Thank you!"

- S.H.

"The information that you share is unlike I have gotten from other teachers or sources. I am in awe of your gift!"

- P. N. 

"I have taken many classes, as I am a Medical Social Worker, a Reiki Master and an Angel Messenger, and I have never taken such a comprehensive class. Your combination of medical expertise and spiritual knowledge make you a very rare teacher!! I thoroughly enjoyed the class and you."

- C. D.

"Loving this class... I feel like I'm writing the missing instruction manual to my life..."

- S.S.

"I just read today's course email and couldn't go farther in my day until I expressed how much I love you! Your openness to sharing your own life experiences - especially your incredible, encouraging, inspiring bent for looking at what the world calls negative, tragic, limiting, and seeing instead a spiritual gold mine, blessing, opportunity, gifts... I broke into a big grin and teared up simultaneously as I read! 

I'm having the time of my life in this course and am so, so grateful for your presence and mentorship of sorts in my life. I sense blocks melting away, not by pushing but organically as my worldview shifts."

- G.B.

"I feel I now have an ability to tap into a broader perspective of my intuition and have learned to recognize intuitive information in some areas that I previously had not.  Now I finally have LOADS OF TOOLS TO MOVE FORWARD WITH!! 

In my opinion, being able to work directly with you and having your soul energy connecting with ours, explaining concepts, answering questions, etc is a far greater experience than by reading through any book."

- K.H.

"As a trainer and workshop designer, I am a tough audience. But I have to tell you, this course is SO good. It is very rich; I feel like I can keep going back to it over and over again to deepen my learning. You have/are a true gift. Thank you so much!"

- S.F.

"I want to explain how much and deeply the course affected me: I began to relax into my soul.  I found myself developing a conscious awareness of how much I am loved and supported by the universe.  I am honored to know you. You bless and inspire the world with your courageously strong gift to honor and express your Soul. Thank you! I am grateful."

- S.H. 

Thank You, thank you, thank you!  How absolutely and unbelievably beautiful you are to conduct this course the way you are doing it - from your heart!  I have rarely seen anyone love the subject they are talking about so much.  You truly have a gift! 

 - S.C.

Today I listened to your Q&A session….  I was taking notes, listening, rewinding, and praying through it all.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED it. 

 - K.F.

I am amazed at how profoundly the emails/journal questions/meditations are affecting me.  Your energy comes through in everything you offer us.  Last night, I felt the peace of the meditation profoundly. Slept through the night for the first time in a month or so. Had very powerful, healing dreams.

- A.K.

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